Eco Artist
Natalie Oliphant
Artist Bio
Adhering to her mission to reuse and recycle found items, Natalie Oliphant, an emerging Eco Artist living in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, maintains a strong focus on creating while respecting the need to protect the environment. Natalie adheres repurposed fabrics to create texture on each body form. She then affixes thousands of found items to her piece. Her works reveal the many emotions caused by coming of age milestones and human experience. Female infertility, rejection, deep sorrow, and feelings of no escape are just a few of the themes Natalie captures in her work.
Artist Statement
As an emerging eco artist I see the value in repurposing thousands of discarded items. From my mannequin body forms to pieces of memorabilia, I create portals to my memories. Many of my themes are not exclusive to my life. We all need to feel a connection to someone or something. We all need to feel compassion and deep empathy to the trials and tribulations of others. So much emotion can be read in body language. Posture and position of the human physique reveals a relatable story. The pain of infertility, the deep sadness of rejection, the cutting emotion of grief are recognized and celebrated in each of my works. I am committed to saving items from the landfill and letting their beauty live on.