Created during the summer of 2020 when the Black Lives Matter Movement was in the headlines. This body form contrasts black and white, rich and poor, healthy and abused. Wrists of colours chained together, yet the lock is open to start the process of healing and change. 57” x 16” includes stand.
Created during the summer of 2020 when the Black Lives Matter Movement was in the headlines. This body form contrasts black and white, rich and poor, healthy and abused. Wrists of colours chained together, yet the lock is open to start the process of healing and change. 57” x 16” includes stand.
Created during the summer of 2020 when the Black Lives Matter Movement was in the headlines. This body form contrasts black and white, rich and poor, healthy and abused. Wrists of colours chained together, yet the lock is open to start the process of healing and change. 57” x 16” includes stand.